Blue's Creative Outlet


Come take a look around! This is my mental vacation from everyday life. I love creating things and have been grooving to my inner art diva since I was a child. In addition, I have always loved nature and creating art - and now I have been able to merge both of these into one colorful, unique and beautiful wearable art form!

In addition I am a stay at home mommy of an adorable daughter, am married, have a degree in Psychology, and love to read Paranormal Romantic Fiction in my free time.

SEE MORE OF ME AT: ~ Vendor Of The Month ~ bluembrownlee! (WE ARE VOTED BEST IN PHOENIX BY THE NEW TIMES!)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Self Portrait Challenge - BLUE

Blue happens to be my favorite color. It's also the color of my eyes - which were given to me by my birthfather. I'm an adoptee, and I always wondered where I got my eyes from. After searching for my birthparents, now I know. And it's so neat to have someone out there who looks like me.

One of my favorite places blue shows up a lot - especially in Arizona where it never rains - is the sky!

This one was taken by me near Sunset Point, right here in Arizona.

This one is near Prescott, Arizona.

But by far, my most favorite nature-inspired blue creation is the Ocean. So much so that I named my daughter after it. Her name is Maren, from the Latin word meaning "the sea." Here is one of my favorite photos from a few years back when we took her to California to get her baby toes wet in the foaming waves of the deep blue ocean. This epitomizes the word "blue" for me - joy, beauty, life, happiness, innocence, and pure perfection.

Take a look at what others are saying about "blue" this month at SPC!


Paz said...

Those are beautiful shots!!!!!!! I want to be there relaxing under that sky!

LeS said...

But when it DOES rain in AZ isn't it spectacular? I used to live ther :) And what a perfect theme for you this month!
lovely photos :)
and thanks for commenting,

Emily P said...

Adoralble pic, love the facial expressions :)

turquoise cro said...

LOVE all your photos, the sun rays almost seem to come out of the top photo!! and LOOK at the JOY on YOU and Your daughter's faces!!! SWEET!

Cris Moreira said...

Hi, Mary!

I loved your picture of the sky with the clouds! Clouds and skies are almoust an obsession of mine!

Thanks for stopping by!!


StudioBlue said...

Gorgeous skies -- lucky you. and what a smile on your girl!

Vedrana M. said...

how lovely :) all your photos are beautiful

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